Day Time Net / Club / Event Frequency
SUNDAY 8:00 pm ARES state wide (Lex.Co. Area 3) 146.715
8:30 pm Anderson Radio Club 146.790- PL 127.3
8:30 pm Columbia Club CARC - ARES 147.330
9:00 pm Greater Pee Dee 146.745- PL 82.5
9:00 pm Ridge Club RARC (Simplex) 146.550
9:10 pm Ridge Club RARC (Repeater) 147.255
9:30 pm Ridge Rag Chew 28.360
MONDAY 7:00 pm RadioSC URF517 Multimode Net (1st Monday of the Month) XLX517
7:30 pm Little Mountain 147.210
8:00 pm Kershaw 146.775
8:30 pm Anderson Radio Club 146.790- PL 127.3
9:00 pm Greater Pee Dee 146.745- PL 82.5
9:00 pm Ridge Club Cookie Jar Crew 147.255
TUESDAY 11:44 am Hope 4 Hams 147.210
5 or 6 pm ARES state wide 3.990
8:30 pm Lexington Emergency Net 147.000
8:30 pm Anderson Radio Club 146.790- PL 127.3
9:00 pm Greater Pee Dee 146.745- PL 82.5
9:00 pm York Co. Net 28.390
WEDNESDAY 9:00 am Radio Rag Chew Round-up 147.210
7:30 pm Central SC CARC Simplex Net (1st and 3rd Wednesday) 146.400
8:30 pm Anderson Radio Club 146.790- PL 127.3
9:00 pm Radio Rag Chew Round-up 147.210
9:00 pm Greater Pee Dee 146.745- PL 82.5
THURSDAY 9:00 am SC Heart Net- Health/Hospitals 146.715
7:30 pm GSP SkyWarn Net (Upstate) 444.875
8:30 pm SC Midlands ARES Net 147.330
8:30 pm Anderson Radio Club 146.790- PL 127.3
9:00 pm Greenwood Net 147.165
9:00 pm Greater Pee Dee 146.745- PL 82.5
FRIDAY 8 am - 1 pm South CARS (Mon.-Sat.) 7.251
7:00 pm SC SSB Net (Mon.-Fri.) 3.915
7 - 11 pm Friendly Bunch Net (Daily) 3.919
8:00 pm August Club Net (Mon.-Sat.) 145.490
8:30 pm Anderson Radio Club 146.790- PL 127.3
9:00 pm Greater Pee Dee 146.745- PL 82.5
SATURDAY 8:30 pm Anderson Radio Club 146.790- PL 127.3
9:00 pm Greater Pee Dee 146.745- PL 82.5
9:00 pm SC Emergency/Experimenters Net (1st and 3rd Saturday) 3.955
9:15 pm SC Emergency/Experimenters Net (1st and 3rd Saturday) 28.360
10:00 pm York Co. Hoodlums Net 28.340